OpenVPN 2.4 rejects client connections when "CRL has expired" -------------------------------------------------------------- Had a surprise on the weekend when a customer's OpenVPN server suddenly started rejecting connections from clients (or refreshing clients that were already connected), which set off a flurry of Nagios alerts. Upon investigation, I found the smoking gun in the OpenVPN server's syslogs: ``` Jun 19 23:59:14 xxxxxxxxxx ovpn-server[1458]: xx.xx.xx.xx:xxxxx VERIFY ERROR: depth=0, error=CRL has expired: C=XX, ST=XXXXXXX, L=XXXXXXX, O=XXXXXXX, OU=XX, CN=XXXX, name=XXXXX, emailAddress=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ``` The CRL is the 'Certificate Revocation List'. If you revoke a key signed by the OpenVPN CA using the typical helper script from the `easy-rsa` package, such as `revoke-full`, it will generate a `crl.pem` file. This can be passed in the OpenVPN configuration with `crl-verify /path/to/crl.pem`, which makes the OpenVPN server check that the connecting client is using a key that is still signed and valid. If a client tries to connect but the CRL says it was revoked, the connection will be refused. Inspecting the CRL can be done with this command: ``` openssl crl -inform PEM -text -noout -in crl.pem ``` The 'expiry' line would look like this (it's not obvious that it's an expiry!): ``` Next Update: Jun 19 22:18:49 2020 GMT ``` #### Generating a new CRL A lot of guides online show an easy way to generate a CRL with this command: ``` ./easyrsa gen-crl ``` But this really depends on how you set up your OpenVPN. In my case, this was an Ubuntu server, and there is no `easyrsa` command. Really this command is just a wrapper around an OpenSSL command. I ended up doing it like this: ``` openssl ca -gencrl -keyfile keys/ca.key -cert keys/ca.crt -out keys/crl.pem -config $KEY_CONFIG ``` The `$KEY_CONFIG` seemed to be necessary, and this file mapped to the `openssl-1.0.0.cnf` file alongside the other helper files such as `build-key`, `vars`, `revoke-full`, etc. I had to comment out or set to `""` a few variables in the `openssl-1.0.0.cnf` file because the command was erroring due to expecting other `ENV` environment variables that had not been setup, such as `commonName_default = CommonName $ENV::KEY_CN` and `subjectAltName=$ENV::KEY_ALTNAMES`, even though I had already 'sourced' the `./vars` file. Another method of regenerating the CRL avoids errors but requires you to generate a new cer/key pair. Generate a new 'client' with `./build-key` and then run the `./revoke-full` script to revoke it. This will also generate a new CRL with an updated expiry. #### Overriding the expiry date It seems that the default expiry is 30 days, which is very short! This is different to the `KEY_EXPIRE` and `CA_EXPIRE` values in the `vars` config, which are often set to 3650 days (10 years). The CRL's expiry seems to be set in that same `openssl-x.x.x.cnf` file with the attribute `default_crl_days= 30`. My command above, I think, will not set an expiry, so that's something to consider. An expiry is probably a good thing. #### But why has this started to happen? What confused me the most was that this customer runs about 5 separate OpenVPN servers, all with CRLs in place. In fact, each OpenVPN server even had CRLs generated on the same day, as a key was revoked from each OpenVPN on that day. And each of those CRLs seemed to have the same expiry ('Next Update') field in it. So why was only one VPN server rejecting connections due to the expired CRL? After a bit of digging, it appears that this is a change in OpenVPN 2.4. The other servers were running OpenVPN 2.3. The changelog [1] does not mention it explicitly (though it does talk about 'crl refactoring'), but other reports [2] explain it, as does the official wiki page [3]: > Specifically, the Crypto Library (Usually OpenSSL) will [now] check all fields, this check includes the nextUpdate field and CRLs with an expired nextUpdate field are flagged as expired by OpenSSL (The built-in check in OpenVPN 2.3 did not check this field). So that's why. A default expiry of 30 days seems too low if you don't have any processes in place to regularly regenerate it. You could perhaps regenerate it automatically via a cron, but that sort of procedure is just as mindless as extending the default expiry. The latter seems to be the popular approach. [1] [2] [3]