Kippo deb package updated to 0.8

I have updated my Kippo Debian package to be using the latest 0.8 release of Kippo and also to run on the current Debian stable release, 'Wheezy'.


1. Add this line to /etc/apt/sources.list or create a new file called /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mig5.list

deb wheezy main

2. My repo is signed with my GPG public key. To fetch the key:

apt-key add key.asc; 
apt-get update

3. Now install Kippo:

apt-get install kippo


The kippo.cfg is dropped into /etc/kippo/. Remember to adjust it to your needs before starting Kippo.

A kippo 'system' user (default shell of /bin/false, etc) is added to the system when you install the package.

To start Kippo after editing the config file to suit, you must edit


and set START_DAEMON to yes

Then you can run

sudo /etc/init.d/kippo start

Database schema

If you want to use the MySQL database logging with Kippo (per the DB settings in /etc/kippo/kippo.cfg), you can import the schema into a fresh database from /usr/share/doc/kippo/sql/mysql.sql.

Database logging is useful if you want to use the Kippo-Graph web UI to view statistics. I am working with Ion on a 'next gen' version of Kippo-Graph that will use Twitter bootstrap and have some other features/clean up.
