Yubikey 2FA on Qubes redux - adding a backup key

Previously I wrote about adding Yubikey 2FA authentication in Qubes (not for using Yubikey on remote sites, but on 2FA of your Qubes system itself), explaining a couple of the differences in my technique compared to the official docs (e.g I don't believe in backdooring with a password in absence of your Yubikey, especially since with a usbVM, that VM can read the password as you type it! Therefore, if you don't trust your usbVM (you shouldn't), then single factor auth is never enough.)

That article also goes on to properly secure the system, e.g not just on screensaver, but also the KDM or lightDM login screen, and in /etc/pam.d/login so the user can't just switch to a different TTY and login with your password (and sudo password-free account) there....

So, what do you do if you've lost your Yubikey, and therefore locked yourself out? Well, if you're sensible, you have a backup Yubikey already configured with challenge-response mode on slot 2, stored somewhere safe that you can retrieve (perhaps in a safe somewhere with your mountain of cold storage bitcoin?).

If so, then here's my adjusted /usr/local/bin/yubikey-auth script, which tries the first key, then the second as a backup, and finally will fail if you're using some third key (or no key).



challenge=`head -c63 /dev/urandom | xxd -c 63 -ps`
response=`qvm-run -a --nogui -u root -p sys-usb "ykchalresp -2 -x $challenge"`

function yubi_auth() {
  correct_response=`echo $challenge | xxd -r -ps | openssl dgst -sha1 -macopt hexkey:$1 -mac HMAC -r | cut -f1 -d ' '`
  test "x$correct_response" = "x$response"
  return $?

yubi_auth $KEY1 || yubi_auth $KEY2

Super simple. And if you are disturbed about storing the AES keys in the script, well, you previously stored it in the file in /etc/pam.d/ that called this script, so what difference does it make?

On that note, you'll want to edit your /etc/pam.d/yubico (or whatever you called it, or the login/kdm files directly if that's how you did it), and remove the KEY argument, as that's obviously no longer necessary.

auth required pam_exec.so expose_authtok quiet /usr/local/bin/yubikey-auth

Finally, note my other tiny modification to last time: I pass the -a flag to qvm-run, which automatically starts the usbVM if it's not already running. That was a lesson learned the hard way, after stopping my usbVM but then letting my screen lock automatically! Couldn't get back in :)
